Alocasia Loco The photo of this room alokazii invariably causes surprise and delight of lovers of home floriculture. Small, with a glossy luster and very sharp tip of the foliage...
Alocasia Silver Dragon is one of the rarest plant you can find in the SE Asia region in the deep rain forest. These leaves shows a light silver color and...
Alocasia Mirror Face is one of the rarest plant you can find in the SE Asia region in the deep rain forest. Its leaves started its light green to dark...
Alocasia Rugosa Melo is one of the rarest plant you can find in the SE Asia region in the deep rain forest. Its leaves started its light green to light...
Alocasia Heterophylla Dragons Breath The Alocasia Heterophylla 'Dragons Breath' has very dramatic foliage. The long narrow leaf is a bit thicker feeling that has a metallic blue that is sure...
Alocasia Mickey Mouse Variegata, also known as Alocasia Xanthosoma Variegata, is a very rare and exotic plant which belongs to the Elephant Ears plant family, Its large deep green leaves...
Alocasia polly’s impressive and stunning leaves are arrowhead or shield shaped with large protruding White veins running through them which contrasts strongly with the rest of the dark green leaf....
Alocasia Jacklyn is a stunning Aroid with deeply lobed, arrowhead-shaped foliage. The vibrant green leaves have prominent, contrasting blackish green veins. This Alocasia is a rare and highly sought-after collector's...