The Philodendron White Wizard casts a spell with creamy white and green variegated leaves that sit upon sleek green stems. This rare but low-maintenance indoor plant is a vining plant!...
Picture of the 6" Florida Ghost is the exact plant you will receive. The Philodendron Florida ghost mint is an evergreen hybrid and it's a vine climber. The temperature will...
Philodendron Snowdrift is a hybrid of P. pinnatifidum and P. gigantum that produces beautiful, large foliage and is relatively unassuming. New leaves unfurl white or cream with green flecks and...
This Live 4" Philodendron Philodendron Hastatum "Silver Sword" is extremely *RARE hard to find plant. It is one of a kind unique philodendron which has been culturally produced. It shows...
Philodendron Micans 4" Live Plant. This is one of the exclusive collection in Philodendron species. It is relatively slower than any other philodendron and it will perform well in moist...
The plants have large, green, yellow, dark leaves which allow them to absorb even the tiniest traces of light and water in the wild or at home. The Philodendron Warscewiczii...
This stunning cultivar produces beautiful, showy foliage. The variegated leaves are long, up to 60cm in length and broadly toothed along their length. They can be bright orange, red, pink,...
The color of this Philodendron will brighten up any space. This is an upright Philodendron related to the Ring of Fire. The leaves are lobed and NEON yellow/green. Philodendron Care:...
This listing is for a philodendron Gloriosum zebra starter plant. This variety was grown from a zebra mother plant. Tissue culture can have variations in features though so we will...