Peperomia frost, scientifically known as Peperomia caperata 'Frost', is a beautiful compact house plant with lovely rippled, heart-shaped silver frosted green foliage.
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Stromanthe Triostar
Zamioculcas Black ZZ
Ficus Shiveriana Variegated
Anthurium Silver Blush "Rare Plant"
Pothos N joy "Pearl and Jade"
Anthurium Crystallinum
Anthurium Clarinervium
Golden Pothos
Homalonema Hoalisi/Camouflage
Ficus Ruby Variegated
Stromanthe Triostar 2 Inch
Pothos Satin
Ficus Lyrata *Common Houseplant*
Ficus Burgundy
Zamioculcas ZZ Plant
4" Dracaena Giganta
4" Epiprenum Pinnatum Albo Variegated
Rhapis Excelsa (Lady Palm)
4" Pothos Snow Queen
Pothos Neon
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